Friday 8 December 2017

Target Audience

As the publication is an attempt to promote Erin's photography, as well as the LGBTQ movement, it is essential to configure what the aim of the publication is, and who it is targeting.

First of all, I would suggest that the publication has three target audiences, these are outlined below:

Erin's future employer- As Erin would like to work as a freelance photographer, it is essential that her photography focuses upon a range of outcomes, suggesting how her imagery may be used. Although Erin is unsure upon which studios/clients she would like to work for, generalised research has allowed myself to develop a demographic profile of her employer. As only 11% of creative directors are female, there is an 89% chance that her employer will be male. The mean age is also 40.

Therefore it can be summarised, that Erin's employer may be: 35-50 year old male, of an ABC1 demographic. 

My future employer- As I want to stay within the North after University, it can be suggested that my employer will be located within Leeds or Manchester. In terms of design studios in which I would like to work for, Rabbit Hole, Alphabet, and Catalogue are all key examples. Each design studio of this selection has a key emphasis on colour, and thus it may be influential if colour is embedded within this design. As all these companies have a male creative director (26-35), this will be my key demographic. 26-35 year old male, of an ABC1 demographic.

Individuals buying the publication- Individuals buying the publication, may be in it, or support the lGBTQ movement. As the publication will be largely promoted within University I would suggest that the demographic would be: male and females, (18-23) of an ABC1 demographic. 

Target audiences 

35-50 year old male, of an ABC1 demographic. 
26-35 year old male, of an ABC1 demographic.
male and females, (18-23) of an ABC1 demographic. 

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