Monday 18 December 2017

Exploring digitally

To start the design process the initial spread was outlined. As Erin had only given me the body copy from the interviews, I decided to explore with an introduction of each protagonist. This allowing the consumer to feel more engaged with the product. 

A range of layout ideas were explored, all of which attempt to highlight Erin's photography in the best way possible. In the above spread, photographs were cropped in order to highlight key features. This must later be discussed with Erin, as I do not know if she will want the images full size. 

Background colours were explored, although the previous contrast with the white felt far more impactful, as it made the imagery stand out upon the page. 

Type colour was also explored, with bold colours appearing to compliment the design. This may be a key factor in which is further explored with. Image compositions were also outlined, with larger images presenting Erin's photography as the most impactive.

The overlapping of type and image was also explored with in order to present the idea of 'breaking boundaries', this applying to the content of the magazine. 

From exploring a range of compositions it has become evident that larger images draw the consumers attention more as they present the detailed stylings of the photography. This being a key feature, as Erin styles her own shoots. The layered type also became a key design factor in which was favoured in the above designs as it 'breaks the traditional rules', similar to how the queer movement broke traditional social restraints.  Contrast was also explored, a factor in which much be studied further in order to develop impactful design.  

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