Wednesday 13 December 2017

Front cover initial compositional ideas

Thumbnails were devised in order to highlight different ways in which the text and image may be situated upon the cover. Exploration of typefaces has been highlighted, alongside vertical and horizontal representations. Image size has also been explored, although larger representations coincide with the spread layouts most effectively.

The designs in which I personally felt were most effective  were designs in which featured a full page of image, with the text overlaying the image. This again applying to key design trends. When suggesting this to Erin, she stated that this would be most effective although I should explore digitally, as she said she felt it difficult visualising the images in a thumbnail format. Although I would usually have some form of idea how my design would appear visually before developing it, I felt that it would be essential to develop a broad range of ideas in order to help Erin. This I did not mind at all, as Erin so far has been amazing to work with, allowing myself a lot of creative direction and getting her finished deliverables to me as soon as possible.

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