Thursday 21 December 2017

Changes made & peer feedback

After completing the alterations, feedback was gained from my peers surrounding these and the general design of the publication. 

Relating to changes 
  • They suggested that as the kerning was now larger within the crease, the type should not be effected by the fold. 
  • It was also outlined that the type size did not distract from the relivant imagery. 


  • The general reception was strong, with my peers suggesting that the design was bold and impactive. 
  • Unfortunetly they also told me during the crit that the double sided printer within digital print was not working properly, and that I should test it in due time as this may reuslt in the publication having to be printed elsewhere. 
  • In terms of ethical deisgn, they said that the loud and proud nature of the design supported the protagonists, ensuring that they are precieved in a strong manner. 

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