Thursday 7 December 2017

Compossion layouts

As a magazine's layout should attempt to capture the consumers attention on every individual spread, it is essential that a range of compositions are explored. As a result of this, reserach was undergone into the different forms of spreads, and how they conincide with one another.

A full image spread allows the image itself to take a main focal point, with the text being a secondary factor within the hierarchy. In the above case typography has been used within the image in order to promote the type alongside the image, with the body copy having the less hierachy. This not only makes the design visually engaging, but it can be a good way in which to break up the design from being text heavy. 

Hierachy is a key presence within the above design. The full page image initially grabs the conusmer, with the type hierachy then coming into play. A variation of text sizes has been used in order to promote a visually intresting design. 

Although text and image are good ways in which to draw attention to a certain element of a design, shapes are also a good technique. By using lines, key texts are highlighted, informing the consumer that this is a key piece of information. 

In relation to my previous theoretical reserach it is evident that weight has been captured within the above spread. The usage of the text mimicing the image, promotes an intresting, visually pleasing design.

Images in which situate over the pages crease may be difficult to alline, but instantly draw the consumers attention, as this is directly in the centre of the page. This can be effective on multiple scales. 

Designs in which promote a grid system are effective as they highlight clear consistancy. The running lines in the above deisgn are a clear example of this. 

Articles generally appear over a double page spread, and do not appear next to one another on sigular pages. The above example shows how smaller articles can work well alongside one another. 

The usage of an insert makes the design appear far more intresting, giving the consumer another specific element in which to consume. 

Text can also appear within a crease, although it is essential to consider that this may reduce legibility. 

In the above piece, weight has been used in order to balance the two pages, making for a visually effective design. 

Short summary

It is evident that balance, composition, weight and hierachy are all key characteristics in which must be considered before designing the spreads. 

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