Saturday 9 December 2017

Initial sketches/feedback

From the initial research, both primary and secondary, thumbnails were developed in which explore a range of compositions focusing upon Gestalts theory. These compositions were collectively outlined, and sectioned into different groups, this allowing the layouts to compliment one another. A range of compositions were explored, ranging from minimalist to postmodern. The key focus being that of the imagery, as this will be a key selling point.

In conjunction to the target audiences, key design elements have been factored in. For example larger images attempt to combat presbyopia, a common ageing effect of the eyes, in which begins to appear during the late 30's-40's. Design trends have also been highlighted, for example the spreading of an image over two pages, and the cropping of images.

Group 1 explores a range of compositional ideas, although I would suggest that there is a lack of anchorage, as a result of so many different compositions being used. The consumer likes to gain information fast (with the 18-25 target audience only having an attention span of 3 seconds), it is essential that this information is easy to find. Therefore it may be suggested, that repeating spreads for example 6) throughout a design may be more effective.

Group 2 focuses highlights postmodern design trends. Off-centering and lack of balance all attempt to make the design appear as if an artform rather than a magazine. Although this trend has become widely popular of the past couple of years, I would suggest that it may be difficult to implement legible body copy, as it would become a task to the consumer to read it.

Group 3 uses a variety of image sizes in order to intrest the consumer, although the smaller ones may appear less prominent than the others. Therefore it is key to configure which images would highlight Erin's work as strongly as possible.

Group 4 uses larger images to create impact, each image being carefully studied by the consumer.


In order to outline which group would be most successful, I gained feedback from my peers. They suggested that as this would appear as a portfolio piece for Erin, layouts in which contain larger images would be most successful. They also suggested that this would create a focus upon the individual people. They also suggested that a postmodern design would not be fitting, as it is not associated with 'normal', 'ordinary' design and thus by selecting this design style, I may be portraying LGBTQ members as abnormal.

From this research gained, I showed Erin the initial drawings, whereby she suggested that she liked the double spreads whereby images ignored the boundary of the crease, suggesting it is good to break the norm. Erin also went onto suggest that she liked other spreads in which showcased larger scale images. Erin also highlighted how she personally prefers modernist design.


As a result of the feedback gained I will develop another set of compositions, in which aims to promote large scale images, within a sleek, minimal layout. This including double page spreads in which contain the image being placed over the crease.

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