Wednesday 20 December 2017

Issues when designing

Re-using photography

As Erin had selected her strongest imagery to be placed within the publication, this left some of the protagonists with fewer images. An example of this is that Murphy only had one image by herself, but two with Sophie. As a result of this, I had to explore with densely cropping images to ensure that Murphy was the key focal point. As a result of this some images were used twice, although different sections became the focal point. This was further disguised with different spreads being used between.

Cropping imagery

In order to fit imagery into a defined grid system, some images were cropped. This limited some of the images aesthetic and thus I decided to break the system, and push the boundaries. This relating to the content of the magazine.

Type setting 

Typesetting is one of the key factors of design in which I personally find difficult, and therefore when typesetting further research had to be undergone. Feedback was also given by my peers, as to how I can effectively practice this.

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