Tuesday 19 December 2017

Developments of Adams spreads

As the magazine showcases multiple individuals, I decided that this would be a good way in which to section the magazine. As a result of this, I went on to devise the rest of Adam's spreads in the same format as the previous designs.

Similar to how the first spreads were devised, the following spreads, (last two displayed above), follow the same formatting. They both use the same typefaces and colour pallet. The spread in which outlines Adam's sexuality highlights the word pansexual in square brackets, this showcasing the concept that other people feel the need to label him, para-phrasing his sexuality. A key context in which is outlined throughout his interview. 

In order to relate the shapes used throughout, the final spread, highlights part of the interview within a segregated square, this emphasising the relevant body copy as well as syncing with the rest of the design. 


When discussing the spreads with my peers, they suggested that the aesthetic was strong, with the complimentary colours being highly effective. They also suggested that the usage of shapes engaged the consumer, directing them towards relevant texts. This being a key factor of legibility. 

Erin suggested that she really liked the aesthetic, and that the usage of a 'labeled' sexuality was a strong concept. 

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