Wednesday 20 December 2017

Design considerations

A variety of text sizes was explored in order to ensure that each spread although expressing continuity, still explored individual uniqueness. This highlighting that each person is an individual, and there stories are different. 

The placement of the text (over the crease) may result in the text appearing unbalanced/illegible. As a result of this the kerning will be altered, ensuring that the letters will be evenly spaced over the crease. 

As the magazine is going to be digitally printed, CMYK, was formatted. This ensuring that all the correct colours are used. 

More examples of type within the crease can be seen above. 

The body copy used throughout remains at 12pt, this is to ensure that all type is legible. Flush left has been used in order to promote readability, as people within Western culture read left to right. In accordance with Vignelli, each line contains between 8 and 12 words. 

Italics have been used within the question section in order to create division, this highlighting difference within the text. In turn promoting legibility and making the design more interesting for the consumer. 

Shape divisions have also been used within the design to make the interview more interesting. 

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