Wednesday 13 December 2017

Magazine templates

Magazine templates were further outlined in order to promote a clear, consistent layout. This allowed balance to be determined, as well as grid layouts. Spread designs will be repeated/mimicked throughout in order to promote consistency. 

By promoting the imagery in multiple sizes, this allows the consumer to see each spread as an individual piece. Although stating this, colour and type must be continually represented throughout in order to ensure that consistency is met. 
Colour was used in order to signify whereby images will be placed. As Erin previously had trouble visually understanding the spreads, I felt like this would be a more effective method. 
The above layout highlights this in practice, showcasing how the imagery can be slotted into this format, simply and easily. 

When discussing the spreads with Erin, she suggested that they were now much easier to visualise, and suggested that I should start designing as I found fit. Having large amounts of design influence, this collaboration has been incredibly straightforward so far, with myself and Erin working effectively together. 

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