Tuesday 19 December 2017

Magazine structure

Before I took forward anymore design spreads I felt it important to outline the structure of the magazine so that the different sections flow. When discussing the structure with Erin, it was suggested that Murphy and Sophie could coincide alongside one another, as they are in a relationship, and have imagery connecting the two. In terms of how the other protagonists should be structured, no guidance was given, allowing myself full creative control.

In order to ensure the magazine flowed throughout, the imagery in which went together was outlined. Ensuring that there was no dramatic change when scanning through the publication.

Order of sections:

By analysing the colour pallet of each image, I was able to devise a structure in which promotes complimentary colours, ensuring that the images look as if part of a set, not stand alone pieces. Murphy and Sophie were outlined next to one another, this being important as they have a set of images together, this then syncing with the rest of the design, whilst creating an interesting middle section.

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