Monday 19 March 2018

Speech Bubble design

Focusing on the idea that communication links all, a speech bubble concept was devised. 

  • Highlighted type allows the key information to stand out 
  • A small illustration was added to create a fun aesthetic 
  • All information is contained within a speech bubble, making the campaign feel personal. 

  • The hashtag was implemented within the design in order to ensure that the poster relates to the campaign 
  • The hierarchy of information was explored
  • Confetti was used as the illustration in order to showcase that Notting Hill Carnival is a celebration 

  • The illustration was altered in order to make for a more impactful design
  • Yellow was used as the background colour in order to promote vibrancy 

  • As the black highlight felt to restrict the design it was altered to pink, further showcasing the vibrancy.
  • The illustration was explored as a pattern, although Calum suggests that this was very intense and took attention away from the details presented. 

  • As a result of this, a simpler variation was sent to Calum, to allow him to typeset the poster 
  • Overall I felt the aesthetic and layout was highly impactive. 

Discussing designs with Calum

when discussing the designs with Calum he suggested that he would alter some factors and thus I sent him the design via WeTransfer

Sent designs over to Calum using We Transfer 

Calum developed a range based of my original poster design 

My thoughts...
  • coloured pride type is difficult to read 
  • All designs should have a little illustration to keep continuity
  • Highlighted text should not appear as a box but rather as a highlight 
  • Somebody copy needed altering
  • Some colours may be changed to increase legibility 

My alterations 

Some alterations were made in order to promote legibility, as well as keeping the general continuity of the designs. 

  • Terminology such as 'watch free' was altered to 'free entry' in order to make the body copy flow.
  • Highlighted aspects were changed in order to promote legibility

In terms of the illustrations devised I developed ones for Notting Hill carnival and Wimbledon with Calum completing the rest.

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