Monday 19 March 2018

Initial CAD Variations and Feedback

Concept One 

  • Focusing on the idea of individualism, the above design would allow consumers to interact with the posters and write the location in which they feel would be best to view the London Marathon. 
Feedback from peers: 
  • Would people interact with the campaign?
  • Would this be censored? 

Concept two 

  • Large focus on typography 
  • The posters don't initially stand out to myself 
  • How could this be pushed further? Would this be appropriate for the other events? 
Peer feedback
  • Not overly impactive 
  • Could work with a copywriter to gain an impactful slogan 

Concept Three

  • Focusing on the date, the consumer's eye will be instantly drawn to the date, informing the consumer. 
  • Although the above design is impactive, it may be suggested that if a range of posters were developed in this style of multiple events it would be less impactive 
  • Strong colour palette (although it appears slightly feminine) 

Concept four 

  • 'Building blocks of London'
  • Bright colours have been used in order to showcase the lively nature of London 
  • The lines may appear restrictive 

  • Bold and impactful
  • May give the design to Calum to typeset as this is a skillset in which Calum is better than myself. 
  • Highly impactful from a distance. 

When discussing the designs with Calum he suggested he prefers the latter and thus these designs were taken to a crit with Alec whereby he suggested that they felt very restrictive and didn't show the vibrancy and freedom in which the campaign should express.  As a result of this, myself and Calum decided to brainstorm a concept rather than developing our own individual ideas.

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