Tuesday 20 March 2018

Live photo posters

Based on the previous posters layout, a live poster example was developed by myself. As an evident theme has been implemented within the original posters, it was decided that this would be transferable to all other deliverables, most specifically the type and colour scheme of each event.

Left (original), Right (Live)

Above is an example of the original poster for Notting Hill Carnival, and the live poster for photo streaming. As the brief indicates that the poster should not contain movement, the live photo stream will apply to this, only changing every 10 seconds. 

Key assets have been implemented from the original poster such as the speech bubble, colour scheme, typeface and highlighted text. The campaign hashtag is also clearly presented. 

Contacting Calum 

Calum suggested that he liked the style and that it syned with the rest of the campaign. The files were then sent to Calum, so that he could complete further actions. 

Peer feedback:

  • Bright and bold campaign 
  • obviously campaign style 
  • style is open to a variety of events 
  • transferable design 
  • the design style is simple and therefore appears to have no cultural connotations 
  • easy to read from a distance 
  • hashtag is easily recognisable 

From my original template Calum embedded the colour schemes from the original front facing posters in order to create a range of Live posters. All in which successfully link to the campaign. 

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