Monday 19 March 2018

Initial sketches

Initial sketches were devised following a variety of concepts in which could be used as a general overarching theme.

Concept 1

  • Focuses upon the date
  • two tone
  • allows the consumer to instantly recognise if an event is forthcoming 

Concept 2

  • 'The building block of London'
  • A range of colour would be used to promote London as a bright and bold city

Concept 3

  • Illustrations made from hearts (London is based on Love)

Concept 4

  • Simple and easily transferable 
  • Typographic approach 

Concept 5

  • Highly illustrative 
  • shows London as a creatiev city
  • would stand out from the generic photographic posters

Concept 6

  • Simple two tone approach 
  • Showcasing London's diveristy 

From the original drawings, further sketches were developed of Gay Pride. These exploring a range of contemporary design influence. When discussing these with Calum he suggested that they may be impactful when developed through CAD, implementing the usage of colour. 

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