Thursday 8 March 2018

Meeting with Calum (8th March)

In conjunction to yesterdays meeting with Calum, we outlined which concept will be taken further.

Hidden London explores the idea of current and past events occurring within London. Exploring 'throwbacks' to the day, and bespoke individual events currently happening, the campaign informs consumers, promoting the niche and supporting small businesses. 

An examples of the written concept can be seen below:

'100 years ago today women gained the vote'

'Celebrate international women's day @bistro cafe'

After deciding upon the concept, we devised a plan for the next couple of days, whereby we are both going to: 
  • Research 10 events currently happening (5 big/5 small)
  • Research corresponding days events from the past 
  • Find three poster styles in which we find suiting 
  • Develop some initial sketches

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