Monday 12 March 2018

Poster designs

In conjunction to the meeting with Calum, research was undergone into impactive poster designs. The focus was upon loud colours, showcasing that London is a bright, bold city that never sleeps. 

  • Brush strokes appear creative and artistic. They also promote a relaxed, friendly atmosphere. 
  • Contrasting colours have been used to create impact.
  • Contemporary type has been used to promote a fresh aesthetic

  • Hierachy has been implemented in the above design in order to instantantly inform the consumer. 
  • Contrast between type and image has been made 
  • Bold colours create a lively atmosphere, whilst promoting a friendly tone 

  • Contemporary design 
  • Combination of text and image 

  • blocked type makes for an interesting design 

  • Block colour illustrations create impact, especially from a distance 
  • 4 basic colours have been used, although I personally believe that this appears overwhelming and somewhat confusing. 

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