Monday 5 March 2018

#LondonIsOpen Twitter

In order to gain a better understanding of the current campaign research was undergone into the provided hashtag. Twitter was initially outlined as this is one of the key platforms for hashtags and thus is a key starting point. 

Sadiq Khan uses twitter as an effective platform to promote the London Is Open campaign with the main audience being that of his 895k followers. Although this promotes the message it must be questioned as to whether this promotes the hashtag to a mainstream audience or whether it is simply presented to those with an interest in politics. 

Articles, photographs and videos are all shared upon this platform to promote the hashtag although no key graphics are implemented. This may be a factor in which is to be considered, as the design of a campaign often makes it more memorable. 

Some individuals contribute to the hashtag although this is not upon a regular basis. In order to make a campaign survive it is essential that the mass interact with it, and thus it is important that the campaign offers forms of interaction. 

The Mayor of London also has a twitter for his press office and thus large amounts of information surrounding the hashtag can be found on this platform. Including events of celebration (such as Chinese new year) this platform showcases diversity in London, highlighting that it is a multi-cultural capital. 

Large organisations, such as London Fashion Week, often engage with the hashtag, gaining attention towards the campaign. 

Interactive elements are also embedded within the campaign in order to promote interaction with everyday consumers. This hasn't be overly effective and thus this may be another element to promote within the campaign.

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