Tuesday 20 March 2018

Filter development

  • The filter is captured at the bottom of the screen to ensure that the image is not blocked
  • Unlike snapchat the instagram filter can appear at the bottom, as the button is not positioned until after the image has been taken. 
  • The icons presented within the campaign have been captured to 'tie up' all deliverables. 
  • The hashtag is maintained within all filters to ensure that the campaign is further embedded. 

Feedback from Calum:

  • The design aesthetic is perfect although they do not consider that the actual image presented will be a square and thus this must be considered so that the images do not appear massively cropped. 

As a result of Calums feedback, a design was developed whereby the square nature of the image has been considered.

An informative slogan has been added to highlight what the consumer needs to do to be in with a Chance of appearing on Oxford Street. All other images will be placed upon the instagram story (censored).

Mock up example

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