Tuesday 20 March 2018

Mock ups

Although this is a competition brief, it is also important to consider that this brief will most likely be presented within my future portfolio and thus mock ups were developed, showcasing my work in a real life situation.

Competition boards

When developing the competition boards, myself and Calum decided that we would split the work. We analysed our strengths and decided upon what sections we would complete accordingly.

We targeted all aspects mentioned within the brief, ensuring that we were targeting it correctly.

Example of how the campaign will work

To ensure that the judges at D&AD will understand how the posters will interact with one another, I made a couple of gifs, in turn making the concept much clearer.

The gif shows an example of how the Notting Hill Carnival posters will be displayed.

Filter development

  • The filter is captured at the bottom of the screen to ensure that the image is not blocked
  • Unlike snapchat the instagram filter can appear at the bottom, as the button is not positioned until after the image has been taken. 
  • The icons presented within the campaign have been captured to 'tie up' all deliverables. 
  • The hashtag is maintained within all filters to ensure that the campaign is further embedded. 

Feedback from Calum:

  • The design aesthetic is perfect although they do not consider that the actual image presented will be a square and thus this must be considered so that the images do not appear massively cropped. 

As a result of Calums feedback, a design was developed whereby the square nature of the image has been considered.

An informative slogan has been added to highlight what the consumer needs to do to be in with a Chance of appearing on Oxford Street. All other images will be placed upon the instagram story (censored).

Mock up example

social media filters

Although the filter will be active on instagram, snapchat have a design manifesto for their filters and thus this was studied for a general understanding. 

 It was stated that the bottom right hand corner should not contain a deisgn as this is whereby the entry button is expressed and this might cause confusion. It was also suggested that the most effective areas for developing the geofilter were at either the top or bottom of the page.

  • Keep it local. Do not cover an entire country, state or province.
  • Select a public place, neighborhood, landmark, venue or other location where people are likely to gather and send Snaps.
  • No photographs.
  • Be creative and make it visually compelling.
  • Don't cover up too much of the screen.
  • Provide a good description, including any relevant dates.
  • Files should be 1080px wide.
  • Files should be under 300KB (for PNGs).
  • Posters for after the event

    In relation to our concept Calum devised the reverse posters (for after the event) in which will showcase images taken and shared by the public. These poster designs follow the general aesthetic previously promoted.


    As Calum sent me an edible file of these posters, there was some areas in which I felt needed changing in order to allow them to conicide with the campaign more effectively.

    These include:

    • Adding an illustration for the wimbledon poster
    • adding an illustration for Pride 
    • moving the location of West End Live 
    • Adding text to the Crystal palace design 

    My variations

    Although only small variations were made, I felt that as we both overlooked each others work there became less chance of errors.

    Calum's Reverse Posters

    In conjcuntion to the design aesthetic in which we had previosuly implemented Calum designed the reverse screen. This appeared strong, although I altered some of the body copy in order to allow it to flow more freely. This passing over of designs worked really well as myself and Calum have different skill sets, allowing us to gain the best possible outcome.

    Information that was discussed at this stage:

    • The reverse will be live before the campaign and will be 'swapped' during the live event. 
    • The front screen and reverse screen will swap every 10 seconds 

    Live photo posters

    Based on the previous posters layout, a live poster example was developed by myself. As an evident theme has been implemented within the original posters, it was decided that this would be transferable to all other deliverables, most specifically the type and colour scheme of each event.

    Left (original), Right (Live)

    Above is an example of the original poster for Notting Hill Carnival, and the live poster for photo streaming. As the brief indicates that the poster should not contain movement, the live photo stream will apply to this, only changing every 10 seconds. 

    Key assets have been implemented from the original poster such as the speech bubble, colour scheme, typeface and highlighted text. The campaign hashtag is also clearly presented. 

    Contacting Calum 

    Calum suggested that he liked the style and that it syned with the rest of the campaign. The files were then sent to Calum, so that he could complete further actions. 

    Peer feedback:

    • Bright and bold campaign 
    • obviously campaign style 
    • style is open to a variety of events 
    • transferable design 
    • the design style is simple and therefore appears to have no cultural connotations 
    • easy to read from a distance 
    • hashtag is easily recognisable 

    From my original template Calum embedded the colour schemes from the original front facing posters in order to create a range of Live posters. All in which successfully link to the campaign. 

    Monday 19 March 2018

    Speech Bubble design

    Focusing on the idea that communication links all, a speech bubble concept was devised. 

    • Highlighted type allows the key information to stand out 
    • A small illustration was added to create a fun aesthetic 
    • All information is contained within a speech bubble, making the campaign feel personal. 

    • The hashtag was implemented within the design in order to ensure that the poster relates to the campaign 
    • The hierarchy of information was explored
    • Confetti was used as the illustration in order to showcase that Notting Hill Carnival is a celebration 

    • The illustration was altered in order to make for a more impactful design
    • Yellow was used as the background colour in order to promote vibrancy 

    • As the black highlight felt to restrict the design it was altered to pink, further showcasing the vibrancy.
    • The illustration was explored as a pattern, although Calum suggests that this was very intense and took attention away from the details presented. 

    • As a result of this, a simpler variation was sent to Calum, to allow him to typeset the poster 
    • Overall I felt the aesthetic and layout was highly impactive. 

    Discussing designs with Calum

    when discussing the designs with Calum he suggested that he would alter some factors and thus I sent him the design via WeTransfer

    Sent designs over to Calum using We Transfer 

    Calum developed a range based of my original poster design 

    My thoughts...
    • coloured pride type is difficult to read 
    • All designs should have a little illustration to keep continuity
    • Highlighted text should not appear as a box but rather as a highlight 
    • Somebody copy needed altering
    • Some colours may be changed to increase legibility 

    My alterations 

    Some alterations were made in order to promote legibility, as well as keeping the general continuity of the designs. 

    • Terminology such as 'watch free' was altered to 'free entry' in order to make the body copy flow.
    • Highlighted aspects were changed in order to promote legibility

    In terms of the illustrations devised I developed ones for Notting Hill carnival and Wimbledon with Calum completing the rest.

    Concept:Interactive media

    After developing a range of ideas it was decided that the most impactful concept would use social media as an outreach, allowing individuals to post to social media in order to be displayed upon the Oxford Street billboards. 

    From this concept, it was decided that a range of deliverables should be developed, all of which coincide with one another, these include: 

    • 5 main posters (promoting the event)
    • 5 reverse posters (which embed the concept)
    • Filters for social media (one for each event)
    • Posters for after the event (possibly showing all the photos taken)
    • PSD mock ups-in bus stops, on Oxford Street etc

    From this, a general style needs to be devised in which is recognisable amongst all posters, implementing a campaign style. 

    Meet up & Brainstorm session

    After discussing a variety of ideas and concepts, Calum and I developed the following campaign idea. 

    The initial stage of the campaign focuses on the interaction of the consumer with the poster. Using snapachat the consumer would scan a QR code and gain access to a variety of information surrounding the event. 

    Information gained may include an interactive map, e-tickets and other rewards. By physically interacting with the posters the consumer is far more likely to remember the campaign and attend the event.

    From this, myself and Calum began to develop poster designs. We focused mainly on the usage of a circle in order to express a friendly, open design, showing that London is open to the world. 

    Design style one 

    • Focusing on an illustrative style, the above design ideas explore a friendly, handmade aesthetic 
    • The soft nature of the design promotes the summer theme 
    • Soft colours have been used to mimic summer 
    • Other illustrative elements may be added in order to express individuality to each event
    • This design style does have a female focus and thus the inclusive nature of the poster may be discussed. 
    When showing Calum this design he stated that he personally did not like the aesthetic and found that it appeared highly feminine and would not appeal to a wide demographic. 

    Design style two 

    • Bold 
    • Very minimal-would this stand out?
    • The designs do not express individual characters for each event and thus do not allow them to feel personal. 
    • Circle theme has again been mimicked. 
    • Calum also did not feel that this design was impactive, as this was one of the weaker designs in which I had produced I agreed and thus bit was decided that this would not be taken any further. 

    Design style three

    The above designs showcase the front and the back variations of one concept. 

    • Photography has been used in order to visually represent the events
    • As we do not have any photographs of the chosen events, professional photographs were used. -This being a factor in which we did not like as it meant that the work was not truly our own, and therefore would not be strong in our portfolio. 
    • The reverse showcased a map design, showing the location in comparison to oxford street


    As the above designs would all focus on the QR code concept feedback from Alec was gained. 

    • Alec stated that the QR code would not work on snapchat and therefore it would be essential to consider whether individuals would download a QR recognition app in order to get free e-tickets and a map.
    • He also suggested that the map itself would not be used as individuals are far more likely to use pre-downloaded apps such as Google Maps. 
    As a result of this feedback, myself and Calum decided that this concept would not create impact, and was therefore discontinued.