Saturday, 19 November 2016

Key features of a successful app-research

1) Simplicity for the user. Convenient user interface. Keep in mind this main feature of a mobile application. It may be hard to reach, but the result is worth it - users will have no reason to switch to another app. Whatever the functionality is - the simpler it's delivered, the better for you. All the content should be accessed in the simplest way possible. Let clients perform every action with ease, and you will not lose them. That is the thing that keeps mobile apps going and makes them popular.

2) Android and iOS. These are two platforms to be essentially encompassed. Both are extremely popular and used worldwide. What's worth mentioning, the former platform might cause troubles with its number of devices, hence the app should be specifically designed and thoroughly tested on each device you choose.

3) Good performance. Speed of loading mustn't keep users waiting. However, issues such as this, are usually checked by quality assurance, which is a part of software development.

4) Security. This issue is vital to many apps. It is one of the first topics of discussion between you and software developers. No leaks of the users' private information are allowed.

5) Offline work. Naturally, there are apps that must fully rely in its main functions on Internet connection. There can be features that are preferable to be kept for online. But if your case is not one of these two, make sure the app can work in offline mode.

6) Support and updates. To build a long-standing app, you need to consider support and updates. Maintain the server. Ensure that your content is made up of up-to-date, relevant information. Besides content, it is vital to further update the app with fixes and new features in case of necessity.

7) Feedback and contact means. Be open to everyone and engage clients into mutual communication. Let clients leave suggestions, rates, reviews. Include contact means and click-to-call, if required. Make that communication as quick and simple as possible, with a minimum number of taps and minimum text input.

8) Personalization options, in case it's possible. Personalization is undeniably loved by everyone. Flexible settings, fonts, colors and sizes are a winner, when it comes to choosing an app among similar ones. Let them make the app look the way they want to.

9) Search. Create an intuitive system of search and filters. Search matters, when the app delivers much content. But by any means make every page and every service easy to find.

10) Analytics. Essential as air, this feature allows to track users, and get the full information about user behavior. On the basis of this information you might see, in which way to upgrade the app.

11) Social media integration. Turn sharing into an easy and productive way for other people to get acquainted with you. Such an expression of customer satisfaction brings good initial attitude. Potential clients receive these 'recommendations', which make you the most obvious choice, when they need the kind of services you offer.

Key points from this:

  • Security must be extensively researched.
  • The app must remain simple.
  • Few click counts as possible
  • Personalisation
  • Feedback.

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