Wednesday 28 December 2016

Primary research

In order to gain a greater stance upon the kinds of stationary already available on the market, primary research was undergone. Primary research is highly important as it gives a real life insight into the stock, finishes, and colour of the product-rather than that of scanned variation. The above design highlights this perfectly as the image does not express the stock weight (which was surprisingly heavy), nor matt finish. The intricate nature of the cards structure is also not present, this being a key influence within the design as user experience is an essential selling point. 

Village Bookstore 

Stationary and books have been placed alongside one another in village bookstores stationary section. Although cards are a rare find, notebooks and notecards are highly come across. The general design is minimal and does not appear overly complicated, this is to fit into that of village bookstores design aesthetic. 


Colour and slogans have been used in order to make interesting designs in which appeal to that of a teenage audience. Patterns are frequently expressed, alongside that of generic trends, for example mermaids. Illustration is highly used, with photography being a rare occurrence. 

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