Wednesday 28 December 2016


Botanical designs are frequently used and highly popular, a banner has been used in order to break the dense pattern and express the company's name.

Designs in which interact with the handles are often highly interesting, and engage the consumer further. This also allows for a minimalist design to appear highly effective. 

Watercolour bursts have been used in order to express separate sized bags, with colour being the key indicators. This may also appear as a collective, with individuals using this as a buying point. 

Classic, block striped and minimal text have been used in order to express a high end product. This is also expressed through the stock used. 

Eye Catching this design appears different to that of others developed. The design somewhat hurts you eyes, a factor in which would stop people from buying such product. 

Physical attributes have been used in this instance in order to make the design appear more interesting. The handles should also be considered, as certain materials may be difficult for the consumer to hold. 

Again physical attributes have been added to the bags designs in order to add a realist element to the designs. This therefore engages the consumers, making them more interested in purchasing the product.

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