Saturday 17 December 2016

Design Justification

Please follow this link to view a working prototype of the app.

Avenir has been used throughout the app, as it is the typeface currently being used with the apple wallet product. This has been used in order to keep consistency with the current app, ensuring that the design alterations are not a large shock to that of pre-existing customers. The typeface is also clear and legible. The usage of a sans serif is also widely acceptable in this circumstance as mass text is not present, and thus a serif is not necessary.

The type size used within the app greatly varies due to the hierarchy of information. The minimum size of type used is 18 pixels, the general type size for apps. This is due to the large contrast being created by the bright nature of the screen.

The layout used is simple, and is often centralised this meaning that the consumer can easily find the relevant information. This again follows design traits within apple products.

The colour scheme is based upon the previous colours for the app, again creating a consistent feel towards the app. As a completely new design may repel previous consumers, the colour scheme has been kept, allowing the design to feel established. The backgrounds contained within the set is largely white, focusing upon a clean and clear approach. This then alters when the app is set up, with a black background becoming the main focus. This action was completed as when doing a market research task the participants suggested that the black made the app feel safer and more secure.

Text is frequently captured within a shape, making the design appear layered, in turn allowing it to appear more realistic and thus secure. the shapes used also contain curvature, as sharp squares felt somewhat aggressive and didn't comply to apple's design code. Different variations of the icons have also been developed to work on both white/black backgrounds.

The black background contains a 20% opacity to allow the users intervisual apps to somewhat colourise the background. This in turn making a personal user experience, which appears far more friendly. 

Icons have been developed in a simple yet impactive way, to clearly inform the consumer. This is highly important as humans can identify images before words. In turn allowing the app to be used quicker, a factor in which the 7 second target audience find essential. 

Movements will be expressed within the app to follow the current apple guidelines. These include a vibration being made when the incorrect information is expressed, this is also further embeded with a slight screen shake. If the fingerprint also fails to be recognised this will again occur. A vibration will also be made when the card has been successfully scanned in. These are all movements in which allow the design to follow the apple guidelines.

The loading of the screen must also be fast as it is apparent that users often wait less than 3 seconds to use a different app. 

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