Saturday 3 December 2016

Creating icons

From completing research into the pre-existing apps for apple, initial drawings were carried out in order to dictate the aesthetic of the icons. Simplicity was largely focused on when completing this action due to the feedback expressed within the latest crit.

Shape was mainly explored when developing illustrations in order to connote a friendly atmosphere. Edges were often curved, with sharp designs appearing less present.  The above sketches depict that of initial ideas for that of an ID. The general shape of an ID was explored alongside that of humans themselves. Some designs appeared too complex, for example the design in which expresses the lanyard. Due to this a block shape will be taken forward within the design process. 

Receipts were explored as their aesthetics are generally difficult to connote. The general shape of the receipt should be that of a basic transferable shape, and thus design in which appear 3D should not be apparent. This also expresses a consistent style to that of apples design manifesto. 

As for the bank card element of the app, there is currently a design for this. Although the design is not downloadable and thus cannot be used. And thus further designs were explored, in which focus upon a similar layout.

The design in which mimicked that of the current was expressed, and thus used, as it felt contextual. 

Receipts were initially explored. The general style attempted to stay minimal, although some designs in which expressed lines for text appeared somewhat overcomplicated. These would also not be visible upon a small scale. When expressing these ideas to my peers it became evident that some designs would not work, an example of this being the first design as it appears to similar to a ticket. The design in which gained the most approval was that of the 2nd design, as its minimalist style is easy to read and can be expressed upon multiple scales. 

When developing the designs for the ID it became apparent that a singular card would appear very similar to that of the bankcard and thus an extra piece of iconography must be included. From this it was decided to form a person's (gender neutral) in which could express the idea of identification. From feedback it was decided that containing the person within a small box seemed restricting and thus it was decided to place the infographic clearly upon the card. The bottom right being a clear example of this. It was also stated that to keep consistency the square should also be curved.

Arrows were then formulated with the curved deisgn appearing most friendly. As a stem is not present this allow would also take up less valuable space upon the apps screen. A factor in which is highly important as this arrow would appear upon most pages. 

Ticks were also formed in order to express validity when completing details. The softer less consisting ticks appeared friendly and thus were used. 

The above image indicates the current colour scheme for apple wallet. And from this it is evident that a red has been used for the card section. I believe that this evokes danger and uncertainty, two factors in which do not want to be expressed when asking the consumer to enter bank details. Due to this it is fair to suggest that red is removed from the colour scheme. 

The above image expresses how colour may be used within the apps. Blue has been used when expressing the bank cards in order to connote a calm safe nature. Green has been used when expressing the identification as this expresses harmony, and balance ensuring that the ID will be taken as a valid usage of ID. And finally yellow has been used when expressing the receipts in order to express authority, and organization two factors in which this section of the app expresses.

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