Monday 12 December 2016

Crit with Only

During the crit with the design company Only, it was stated that evident steps may be made in order to exhibit the essence of apple within the product further. An example of this is to look at the current app and alter factors in which do not appear consistent, such as the ways in which capital letters are expressed within their products. It was also stated that the app exhibits a translucent background, one in which allows the design to appear less harsh, but also makes the app appear more professional. This may be explored within my personal designs.  The background was extensively discussed as it was suggested that in some instances the black and white backgrounds do not appear consistent and thus this must be explored. It was stated that the colour scheme works effectively, especially when expressing the icons. It was also suggested that the text upon the error page must be altered as it does not apply to the weight of the text currently upon this page. 

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