Thursday 15 December 2016

Test preview-

To gather a greater idea of how the app would work an experiment was conducted. This allowing the app to be expressed upon a an iphone. To complete this action was highly difficult, but it was managed to open the app through a web browsing system (this meaning that a header is also apparent within the screen-a factor in which will not be in the real life app). Although the app would be used on an iphone 6 and above, the iphone 5 was used as a replica. In turn giving a stance upon how the app will physically feel.

The app itself was relatively easy to navigate, with minimal factors interrupting the experience. The text is clear and legible. One factor in which should be expressed further when professionally developing the app is that of the movements within the app such as the fixture of the ID once placed sideways. And also the physical movements such as a buzz when incorrect answers are expressed.

It is important to develop mock ups in order to experience the app first hand, encounter click count, button size, and colours. Legibility is another key factor.

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