Thursday 15 December 2016

mock up prototype of app-

The above link is to that of a youtube video exploring the first mock up of the app. Due to technical difficulties the app mock up is not as strong as I would like it to be, with low resolutions and watermarks being in place.

The video showcases the simplicity of the app, and the ways in which it may be used. The general setup is the key focus due to different aspects explored within the apps design. The general workings of the app are smooth, although certain features would be included by the coders, such as a buzzing motion when incorrect details are added, a similar format will also be used when the product scans. Reverse buttons have been added to the spreads to allow the consumer to be returned to the homepage when requested.

As the quality of the video is very low, further mock ups will be developed in order to showcase the product. This allowing for a clear mock up, and accurate representation of how the app will work.

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