Wednesday 14 December 2016

Final Crit

The spreads themselves have been developed with key apple iconography in focus. Key design traits have been manipulated in order to formulate a design in which follows apples guidelines, as well as standing apart from the original app. The design also explores a younger target audience than the original, being that of 20-30 year olds. The app focuses upon user experience and attempts to express a feeling of security with key design factors being put in place to embed this. A tech savvy aspect is also expressed, with the simple format appearing slick and innovative. 

When discussing the spreads with my peers it was suggested that although the app is simple it is easy to navigate and makes the user feel somewhat tech savvy due to the initial concept. The smooth nature of the app also embeds this further. The colour palette was also said to be effective and is consistent with that of the current apple pay colour scheme. The typography, text size and layout was also said to comply to that of apples needs. In turn allowing it to appear as if an apple product. 

The main criticisms were that the design did not express a home feature upon every page, and that this must be altered in order for the app to be accessible. Security measures were again approached, with the fingerprint being deemed a safer method, although it was suggested that a password should be allowed in cases whereby the fingerprint aspect does not work. 

Another idea suggested that in some cases the small + buttons would not be easy to touch and thus their size must be increased. 

Overall the feedback gathered was largely positive and suggested slight alterations in which must be met, in order to express a fully functioning app. A working prototype must now be devloped in order to express movement within the app.

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