Saturday 17 December 2016


In summary the app itself works efficiently, with clear navigations being expressed for the consumer to directly follow. This is essential as a new consumer should be able to easily access all areas of the app without much strain. The click count has been reduced to the smallest apparent size, this is to ensure that the app does not contain more strain than the physical product. 

When thinking about the initial problem of 'forgetting your wallet' it became apparent that the app would be used in situations whereby the consumer is unable to access their 'essential' items. It also became apparent during a research task that the app may be used in circumstances whereby the consumer is already on their phone, and thus does not feel it necessary to go into their wallet and get the item when an easier more accessible version is already in their hands. In these instances the control centre will be used rather than the in app version to complete fast swift actions. 

The store section of the app will be used as a form of convenience, as it may be suggested that a younger demographic lives within a 'throw away' society and thus receipts may be easily lost. Therefore this section of the app allows the consumer to store receipts without the clutter, insuring that none are lost. The receipts also delete after they are no longer valid, insuring that 'cyber' clutter is not present. 

When comparing the app to the currently standing app it is evident that certain design features appear much more professional within the original. As my app has been developed by myself it is fair to suggest that the design would appear far more sleek and work far more effectively when developed by a coder. Movements/expressions may also be embedded in order to allow the app to work successfully as part of an apple product.

The typography, colour scheme, and general aesthetic of the app has been designed with the pure intention to appear as if an apple product. Key features of the app, for example error bars expresses this clearly. Although small deisgn alterations would need to be made before developing this professionally. It was suggested within the final critique that the plus sign should be grey rather than black, this is just one deisgn factor in which may be manipulated. 

User experience is a key aspect of an app and thus tests were conducted using the app prototype. From this it was suggested that the app allowed a sense of ease when forgetting your wallet, although security risks remained a key feature. When discussing security risks, it was decided to use a fingerprint mechanism to store the information. This is highly important as fingerprints cannot be mimicked, or recorded. Although it was suggested that a backup should be used in case of the failure of the fingerprint to work, thus if this app was set up professionally a password option would be added. 

When preparing the app for manufacture key guidelines must be followed, these have been expressed within  the small publication provided. 

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