Friday 30 December 2016

Initial feedback/Plan

As I was originally unsure open how to undergo this project, mostly due to the different deliverables, feedback was gathered from my peers, in which outlined the basis of an approach in which should be followed.

As the brief was largely open, with no theme being set, it was discussed that before developing any designs the theme must be tackled, whether this being humour, florals etc. After a theme has been selected there must then be considerable research into the theme, and products currently available in its style. Once a theme has been completed it must then be explored with, with multiple resolutions being expressed. From this a selected 'pattern' should be developed. Once a 'pattern' has been chosen, it is then important apply it to the deliverables, ensuring consistency is gained throughout.

When discussing the product in terms of context, the design should appear informed, and not just comply to that of previous, aesthetically pleasing products. The product should also aim to challenge pre-existing products available to the consumer.

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