Wednesday 13 January 2016

Traffic light infographics

. Taking Weekes designs as inspiration I began to develop my own 3 tons approach to infographics. Initially following a similar format to his work, I began to explore with shape, structure and layout. I also out ruled the white aspect of the design as I didn't want it to appear over complicated, and loose the minimal approach in which I was attempting to gather. I decided upon such a simple style of infographics due to the target audience, 17-25 year olds, being known to want information quickly and easily. This being due to their relationship with the Internet and social medias

I experimented with type size and colour to allow the design to appear as impactful as possible, whilst also considering the legibility of type.

After considering the other infographics, I believe that this design does not follow the same consistent style and thus will be discontinued. 

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