Wednesday 13 January 2016

Back cover-Leaflet

As I had decided to follow the format of the Facebook photo album I was not able to manipulate the structure within destroying the contexuality. Due to this I decided to experiment largerly with colour.

A black and white approach was taken but I felt that it lacked impact and thus would not intise a younger demographic to read it. It also doesnt comply to any colour relevant within the facebook colour scheme.

Although involving colour this deisgn appears very dul and unappealing. The grey is resemblant of that used on the Facebook layout but the infographics appear lifeless and do not appear eyecatching. As a younger audience is often consumed as lazy it would be unlikely that they would read something with such dull design.

I experimented with using a purely blue background but felt that it clashed with the infographics. It also stopped the car infographic from looking visulant.

I then began an approach in which involved blue picture boxs along with a grey mast head. Again although not entirely blue and much more subtle i still felt that the blue draw attention away from the infographics. 

Finally I found an approach in which is similar enough to the original Facebook colour scheme but also highlights the infographics. I decided upon a grey to allow for the boxs to appear apprant without having a black edge around them. The designs appear impactive as the grey hue is subtle and does not distract from the designs themselves.

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