Wednesday 13 January 2016


As I wanted my design to appeal to a younger demographic, I decided that the best way to communicate information wasn't line after line of endless statistics but rather the use of infographics. The quick symbols and charts communicate data effectively, and are much more impactive that condensed typography. The above approach displays simplistic images which are followed by a brief paragraph of text. As these images by themselves do not contain information it leaves an enigma in which the following paragraph fills. The multiple colours used allow for each image to be identifiated as an individual componant, but still allows for them to be seen as part of a set. I like this idea and am likely to follow a similar format within my designs.


Graphs can often be considered boring but essential. By developing a 3D appraoch it allows the design to appear much more life like and thus relatable to the consumer. As the above design follows this format it engages more with the audience than the average graph. Colour is also an important factor with in designs like these, as complementary and contrasting colours position the audience to feel a certain way about the statistics possessed within the graph.

The above design combines both illustrations and pie charts to create an individual approach to infographics. The colours used convey health and nature, factors in which the design is representing. Overall I feel that this works incredibly well as it allows the design to be seen as a whole. When developing my own colour scheme I will consider colours in which resemble danger and roads therefore linking the statistics and aesthetics of the product. I also feelnthatbthe speech bubble effect works well as it breaks up the infographics from appearing too overwhelming, similar styles will be considered within my design approaches. 

I began to draw ideas from the factors in which I felt were most successful from my research. I experimented with both infographics and graphs to allow for a variation in ideas, as I didn't want my designs to become over repetitive. I liked the idea of incorporating road safety emblems into infographics, as I felt the intertextual reference was successful. I also feel that that the simplistic pie chart idea would clearly represent the relivent information as well as balancing the other infographics on the page, as I don't want the design to appear over complex. During the following stage of the design process I will take these ideas and experiment with them further, experimenting with colour, shape and fourm.  

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