Wednesday 13 January 2016

Speed Inforgraphics

Overall I feel that this deisgn projects a very immature atmoshphere due to the thick stokes used. The counter appears unrealistic and makes the design appear child like, a componat that the target audience may feel patronsising. During my following designs I will use much thinner strokes to allow for a lighter, more mature approach.

As my inital design was strong in format but lacked aesthetics I deicded to develop a similar version in which the stroke widths are much lighter. I felt that this approach was much more realistic and didn't appear as characterised as the previopus deisgn. As the front cover of the leaflet is very hard hitting I wanted to capture a softer approach on the back page as I do not want to frighten the audinece, just shock them. I feel that developing such infographics allows for this.

As colour is a highly important characteristic of design I felt that I should experiment with different hues until I discovered a colour in which I felt suitable for the designs ethos. I found that the brighter colours were far too distracting, and would out rank the statistics in which should contain hierarchy. Due to this I decided to use a much more neutral colour pallete.

When devloping the typepography to be situated around the illustations I felt that the yellow appeared illegible and thus experimented with darker colours. Although the blue appeared legible I felt that it did not appeal aesthetically, it also discouraged my 3 tone approach. Due to this I decided upon using a formal black to depict the information. I also felt that by doing this it gave the text orthority, stating that it is important.

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