Wednesday 13 January 2016

second sketches

Although there were concepts in which I felt appeared strong within my first designs, I wanted to develop some further imagery involving hard hitting deisgns. To do this I began to rethink what would realte to a the younger audience. Do do this I dceided to look at some road safety signs in which appeal purely to a younger target audience.

Add campaigns for safe driving often involve dramatic yet realistic imagery to allow a sence of impact towards the consumer. Hard hitting images are more likely to stay with the consumer than designs that have a softer approach. To create an impactive deisgn I then must involve some visual componat in which the audience can relate to. Realistic deisgns create a sence of urgency as the consumer can depict themselves in a similar situation, in turn making them much more concious about their driving.

Although the imagery depicted within the above deisgn is not realistic it is still maintains an element of shock due to its contexual refrence to death. Within my inital sketches the impact of death was found to be the most hard hitting context to base a deisgn around and thus this deisgn suppourts such theory. Using a quote involoving music specifically targets a younger audience, and colloquial language has also been added to further embed this.

I feel that this design most definetly creates the highest impact surrounding the consumer as it not only provides key facts but also daughting photographs. As males aged 17-25 are the primary demographic for this deisgn it follows a very similar structure to what I would like my deisgn to posess. As males this age are seen to be very female orinated this design is very hard hitting, as it suggests that dangerous driving will not just hurt yourself but also people that you love.

Using the hard hitting campaigns as my influence I began to create my own sketches following a similar format. I wanted to my deisgn to possess the ultimate reason in which to drive safetly, death. I experimented with a range of approaches attempting to involve real life situations in which the consumer would have connations to. As flowers are often placed among the road side to honour someones life, I felt that this would be a good starting point as the consumer would have witnessed this first hand.  I then began to think about what specifically young people are consumed within, this leading me down to route of social medias. As a younger person it is often that you consume infromation first through social media rather than news articles. To display this I decided to create an approach in which shows a teenage male posting onto a friends facebook wall commemorating his life after a road collosion. Almost every young person who consumes social media has seen a similar situation beforehand and thus this deisgn would create a strong impact. 

During the following design stages I will take this design further experimenting with folds, and also previous concepts in which I felt expressed impact.

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