Saturday 9 January 2016

Initial sketches-leaflet

My inital ideas surrounding the aesthetics of the leaflet primarily focused upon impact and what would deter 17-25 year olds from driving dangerously. The largest consequence I could entail surrounding this would be the death of them and or family members/friends. Using this context as a starting point I began to create some sketches based upon motorway signs. 

I experimented with a range of approaches looking at what would be most impactful towards a younger audience. The deisgn in which resmbles this most effectively is the simplistic sign stating 'Death 23M'. As a driver this would be a hypothesis for the future if you are not careful, a factor that would impact the consumer and consequently make them want to be a safer driver. I decided upon the mileage due to the vast amounts of people who travel long distances upon a motorway, thus creating further context towards the design. 

Another idea I felt worked well was that involving the symbol for motorways. Although the orignial symbol is depicted within a square, this design would see it appear with a triangle. As triangular signs are depicted as warning signs within the highway code, a driver would instantly recognise that motorways can be dangerous. If this deisgn was taken further a range of approaches could be made for example, it could be double sided, or contain a fold and open to inform the reader using infographics. I would also experiment with colour in an attempt to make the design as impactful as possible. 

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