Wednesday 13 January 2016

Traffic cone infographics

Focusing primarily on shape I developed three traffic cone illustations, all following a diffrent style. The first design contained a much more rounded approach in which again I felt appeared very immature. I also belive that the other deisgns convey the message much more clearly. I was unsure about which design I preffered out of the final two, one being 3D and the other flat. When making my design decission I relooked at the previous inforgraphs I had created and found that no design appeared 3D. As a result I decided that the flat version appeared more in the style of the other illustations, and that the 3D approach would look out of place.

Again I experimented with colour
but felt the white text was almost impossible to view from a distance. I also decided to keep coherant to my other deisgns and display the text in black.

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