Thursday 7 January 2016

leaflet research

Simplistic, modern and impactful. As purple is generally not largely used within design, it allows for this approach to stand strong against the average mundane blue leaflet. The White/yellow text is highly impactful this grabbing the consumers attention almost simultaneously. The leaflet is targeted to that of an older generation 60+, this being evident due to the leaflets context. As older audiences generally have poorer eyesight I feel that the text size is illegible and should be increased.
A 3 tone approach allows this design to appear clean yet impactful. This modern approach is bold, legible and indices you to view its content. As sexual health is generally an issue perceived for a younger audience the design appeals to this demographic. The charactures create a reference to that of childhood thus yet again enticing the demographic to embark on the leaflet.
 Yet again another 3 tone approach, this design is built purely from typography. The typeface is strong, and would appear legible from a distance. Due to the leaflet being built from typography, the structure differs from that of an 'ordinary' leaflet thus making the design intresting.
A modernist approach to leaflet design, that draws the consumer. The text appears flush left, an important factor that allows the large amount of context to appear easy to read. Although the text isn't large, I feel that it is still impactful as the design isn't over complicated this it has nothing to compete against. The symbols used are unique and allow the leaflets to be seen as individual informatanta but also as a group.
The use of image within this design is highly impactful, and would be easily relatable to those who are involved within domestic violence. Although the highlighted approach allows for the text to appear legible, I do not personally feel that this works, as it correlates immaturity. Although stating this it does suggest that all the information is important.

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