Wednesday 13 January 2016

Car infographics

To begin my car infographics I started by initally drawing the outline of a car. As I wanted to depict a simplistic style I deicded to use minimal detail, in turn allowing the statistics to appear most prominant. Following my sketches I decided that I liked the filled effect and thus much eliminate the inside details.

After doing this I was left with a simple outline in which I could easily fill and place infographics around. Although this approach would be easily done I decided that id prefer to depict a over view image of a car, like I had expressed within my inital ideas. I feel that this would be most effective due to it showing the car in a vunrable state, rather than it being seen as a bulky unvinsable machine.

After creating the cars shape I experimented with colour. I experimented with a range of colours but felt that the red and blue worked best. As they are both realistic and common car colours a contexual refrence was made in comparrison to say that of the orange. Although red depicts danger I felt that it appeared very much like blood, and thus was insensitive. Due to this I decided upon the much cooler blue colour. The blue resmbles calm and thus when surrounded by the terrifying statistics would settle the consumer, not making the deisgn unbareable.

Again a final 3 tone approach was developed to allow all the designs to maintain a similar style.

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