Wednesday 20 January 2016

Leaflet critique

Intermediate critique

As I was unsure whether my leaflet was sensitive to the raised issue, I brought my sketched mock up to the critique in order to gather other’s opinions. Overall the response to the concept was positive, as I was able to state from my research that car incident adverts are often graphic and convey upsetting messages. Although it was suggested that the text shouldn’t appear as colloquial. The reasoning behind me phrasing the text in such way was the mimic the language possessed by teenage males, but as it is a sensitive issue I will rethink the used terminology.

During the critique it was also discussed what format the back of the leaflet should posses. Overall the minimalistic approach seemed to derive more attention, as it allows allocated spacing for infographics. It was also discussed that the infographics used should be seen as part of a set, yet as individual structures. The colour scheme should also be consistent throughout the entire design.

Final Critique

During the final critique I brought my final design printed on both 80gsm and 200gsm paper. When discussing my work with others some issues instantly recognised were the uncertainty over the car infographics. It was suggested that the image didn’t resemble a car and that the blue appears as if the car is filling with water. Due to this reason I would likely alter the shape and colour of the infographic if I were to repeat this stage. Likely converting it back to my original design. It was also outlined that the type for the car infographic is blue, thus inconsistent with the black text in which the remaining text appears. As I wanted the infographics to appear as a set, I feel that this design decision is illogical, and thus would be altered.

The paper weights were considered and it was suggested that although the 80gsm was much cheaper, the 200gsm is much sturdier and doesn’t allow the oppositional design to be seen through the paper. Thus making the design more impactful. Due to this in industry the design would be printed upon 200 gsm paper with a matt finish.

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