Friday 27 November 2015


Colour, layout and typefaces are all factors that combine together to make a strong graphic design piece, and are some of the key areas I will focus upon during the wayfinding task. I specifically like how the above wayfind system is very simplistic, being built up from minimal symbols and solid typography. This design piece is also a good example of  how effective one colour design can be, when used correctly, as this design promotes strength, clarity and direction.

Both symbols and type have been used in combination to express a route clearly. The usage of pictograms makes the whole experience much more direct for the consumer, allowing them to quickly navigate a building rather than finding the location after viewing numerous amounts of text. This system also works extremely well when directed at children, as they are more likely to understand imagery.

This modern approach to signage expresses both clarity and strong design. The design itself is most likely to be allocated in an environment that primarily targets a younger audience, but could with slight design alterations be used in a much maturer environment.

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