Friday 13 November 2015

Final Evaluation

In my final analysis of the witty typeface I conclude that I effectively expressed the given adjective to a high level in which others could clearly perceive through typography. The typeface itself is constructed from a variation of stroke widths to present the
context of both light and dark humour. As the original typeface, Caslon, contained a vast contrast in stroke width I had to develop the overall thickness of the typeface, due to the remodelled serifs creating a structural unbalance. If I were to develop the typeface further I would definitely consider manipulating the width to exhibit the contrast in humour.

When evaluating the letterforms of Acutus, it is evident that some express sharpness much more effectively than others. A specific comparison is to that of the letterforms, ‘A’ and ‘J’. The ‘A’ clearly expresses humour and sharpness, whereas the ‘J’ appears very much one stroke width and lacks sharpness. I also feel that the ‘J’ looks very blunt compared to the other letterforms, due to its flat rather than pointed tail. I would definitely consider redesigning this character flaw if I could revisit this project.

When considering this typefaces relevance to its manifesto, I believe that it expresses the initial concepts displayed, and clearly resembles a sharp, witty atmosphere. The
typeface could also be expressed through many platforms, but may appear less sharp when used on a small scale, as the sharpness
present within the typeface is very minimal. Despite this the manifesto suggests that the typeface should be used primarily for logo design, therefore such factors are

When developing the type specimen, I decided to express the typeface by using the colours orange and purple. I decided upon the orange initially as it expresses energy something in which is a characteristic associated with being witty. I decided to combine the orange with a purple in order to display imagination, as witty people have a wide imagination to develop their concepts.

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