Friday 6 November 2015

2nd typeface crit

During the supporting critique I looked closely at the work of others and how their designs had developed from the previous week. I found this really useful; I was able to discover their personal design process and envisage where mine was lacking.
I put forward my initial C.A.D. designs and gathered a variation of feedback. Common trends that occurred were the dismissal of the typefaces involving colour, as they were not seen to display my adjective. Comments also suggested that the chosen colour themes did not resemble the word witty, as a deeper colour should be used to display its association with intelligence. I specifically gained positive comments surrounding the 'A to I' typeface, although it was suggested to focus further on manipulating the serifs creating a razor-sharp effect. Another typeface that I generally gained positive feedback for was the one in which involved negative space. Although I liked this design concept, I just didn’t feel that it presented the angular typeface in which I initially visualised during the initial critique. Concluding from the suggestions made at this critique, I decided to merge two of the strongest design concepts to allow for a visually powerful typeface.  

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