Saturday, 17 December 2016

Final Feedback

In order to gain a greater insight into the apps criticism, final comments have been made. This allowing greater feedback and knowledge upon weaker aspects of the app.

One of the key recurring issue is that of the safety within the app, and whether the consumers would be trusting enough to enter their information. When given this question, I believe that there would be trust within the app due to it being an official apple product. Apple is a highly trusted company hence why many people store their bank details within apps, and store personal imagery. Due to this I belive with a successful advertising campaign this would be effective.

It was suggested that due to the sizing of the buttons the app is easy to navigate, although some buttons, for example the call tsb button, is unproportionate and should be increased in size. It was also suggested that the button should be a different colour, allowing it to stand out further.

The set up is somewhat long, although essential, and thus it would be most likely that the consumer would set the app up in individual steps. It was suggested that an whole app set up should be available, with an caption of just takes 7 minutes.

When discussing the store mode of the app, it was suggested that not all receipts contain QR codes so as a result of this the barcode should be scanned instead. In turn allowing an app that is accessible to all.

As each page does not contain a home button it was suggested that this should be put in place, as otherwise it leaves the consumer feeling trapped within the app. This would definitely be a factor in which would be changed when developing this app commercially. 

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