Thursday 23 November 2017

Meeting with Erin

After returning from my placement, Erin and I arranged to meet and discuss the general style in which she would like the publication to maintain, relevant body copy and images. She stated that as the topic is surrounding LGBTQ groups, the design should explore relevant themes, for example, the gay flag colours.  Erin also highlighted which images she would like the publication to contain, essential images and then further imagery if it appears relevant.

Erin sent the relevant information over email, with the images and word file correlating. Erin seemed extremely organised at this phase, as essentially all her work was complete, and I was able to simply design the product without having to chase her for relevant information. This seeming a lot more straightforward than mine and Amy's previous collaboration, as I felt a lot of the Herbivore project was me waiting for relevant details.

At this stage, Erin also highlighted that Sophie and Murphy were in a relationship, and thus I could explore with ways in which this may be presented within the publication.

It was decided by the next time we met, I would have undergone relevant research and present my ideas to Erin, focusing upon a loud aesthetic.

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