Tuesday 1 March 2016

Book research

In order to gather a greater understanding surrounding book designs/layouts I decided to look in depth at some previous book designs. 

This minimal approach is clear, legible and easy to navigate. The designs appear somewhat image heavy, in order to insure that the text doesn't appear overwhelming. Vignelli's cannon is closely followed with consideration about line length being taken into consideration. A clear grid format is also followed, a factor in which I must consider within my design. 

The overlaid approach of this book design, allows it to appear visually interesting to the consumer.The aesthetic mimics strong typography and photography, which balance one another.Again the approach is very minimal, a style in which I will explore with further during my own development. 

This approach in which uses acetate allows for a design in which the consumer is excited to explore. The multiple mediums used allows the consumer to have a unique approach to each page, making the general design interesting, thus enticing the consumer to engage with the design. Stock is definitely a factor in which I must consider.
This purely typographical approach evidently follows that of a grid format, and therefore  expresses structure and balance. Hierarchy of type has been expressed through type size and also the general arrangement of type. These again are factors in which I must consider.

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