Wednesday 23 March 2016

3rd meeting

As in previous sessions the group had remained quiet, I decided to write some notes beforehand on topic areas I personally wanted to discuss with the group. This involved concepts such as monopoly money(as there is more monopoly money in the world than actual money), money from around the world and its presence within other cultures, a focus upon the queen (as she is on multiple banknotes across the world) and moneys impact upon the environment.

I felt that this session flowed much more than the previous due to the vast amounts of ideas people had correlated from their research. We discussed in depth colour schemes and what portrayed a corporal atmosphere, if this were a route in which we would follow. We also considered the financiers of the exhibition, first direct, and what they would like to see from the exhibition. As first direct are a digital bank this was highly influential as a basis of concepts. 

In order to develop further concepts I asked the team if they would like to do a word association exercise focusing upon money.I felt that this gave us the general basics of what we associate money as being. As negatives also appeared within this we would not involve them, as it is contradictory to the exhibition. Colour was a main factor in which was explored within this with colours such as green and gold being suggested. One concept I really liked from this was the idea of Jack and the beanstalk, as he payed using beans-a factor in which resembles money as its original form, the transferring of goods. Although I liked this idea, the general atmosphere surrounding it was not approved, and thus as this was a team effort I decided that this may not be a strong concept in which to follow.

Drawing from our original ideas, and ones correlated during the word association exercise we formed a mindmap of concepts in which to focus. From this we began to discuss each concept in depth focusing on positives and limitations. From this we then developed another list of 6 concepts, one for each of the team to focus upon during easter. Mine being that of monopoly.

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