Saturday 26 March 2016

Crit with 2nd years

When discussing my ideas with the second years I found that some approaches may work more effectively than others. It was suggested that a half and half book would become repetitive due to the same imagery being involved. It was also suggested that this may also be difficult to construct as I would need two front covers, and blurbs. 

It was also suggested that a column approach may be extremely effective if completed in a modernist style, and that it really depended upon my target audience. As I had not yet thought of a target audience this gave me the realization that I must start focusing on who the book is for and what is its purpose.

It was discussed that an acetate overlay may be a strong approach in which to tackle the issues with language, as it clearly divided the two making each individual. I really liked this idea, and felt that it may give my book a mystical feel. As I have not yet printed on acetate this would be something in which I would like to explore with.

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