Wednesday 11 October 2017

Natural cosmetic company research-which brand?

In order to promote both Amy's and myself's practice, it was highlighted that an ethical cosmetics company would be selected. This further embedding our ethics within our future portfolios. We also believed that this would create a challenge for us, in which we would explore materials, pattern and structure coherently.

When selecting a company to rebrand, a wide variety of cosmetic companies were explored, considering ethics and visual design. We initially discussed selecting a well known company such as Benefit, but this was decided against as we felt a more bespoke route would be stronger. This was decided upon as when placed in our portfolios and online, we would not want to support a company in which tests on animals. As a result of this it was decided that our attention would focus upon  Herbivore Botanicals, a natural, cruelty free company.

Herbivore Botanicals current packaging 

The current packaging focuses upon using minimalism as a tool in which allows the product to stand out rather than being consumed by the packaging. The white nature of the labels promotes purity, and a freshness, key factors in which are imbedded in the organic ingredients.

Although the minimalistic style of the current branding appears aesthetically pleasing, it may be suggested that this would not appeal to a younger audience of 18-25 year olds, as its aesthetic makes it appear highly expensive. It may also be suggested that the simple packaging design would not stand out against similar products if it was placed within a commercial cosmetics store, an issue in which may hold the brand back from becoming sold internationally. As a result of this colour may be a key influence within the rebrand of the packaging.

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